
10 most important inventions of the 21st century

10 most important inventions
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Technology has become an important part of human life. Never before had the world been so small, thanks to the advancement in technology. Technology has turned planet Earth into a global village. The world is only a press of a button away from earthly citizens. Technology has enabled humans to replace them with working machines called robots, though not without the flip side of it. It has stolen jobs sending humans on the scrap heap. Robots have invaded restaurants, the construction sector, the manufacturing sector, the production line, and whatnot. The days are not far when robots run the world. We take a tour down the road of technology and learn about the 10 incredible technological inventions of the 21st Century.

Cars powered by hydrogen

Hydrogen car
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Cars running on hydrogen are by far one of the most important inventions of the 21st century. This invention is great news for the Greens fighting global warming. This wonderful creation of mankind doesn’t consume fossil fuel which means no longer releasing carbon monoxide. These cars run on fuel produced by renewable resources and emit nothing but water vapors. The fuel for these cars is obtained through electrolysis and the like. The invention is expected to drastically cut the combustion of fossil fuels in the world. The 2015 Toyota Mirai is one of the first hydrogen-fueled vehicles sold commercially to date. The concept of Mirai is based on the Toyota FCV car.

Genetic Engineering

Genetic engineering
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Genetic Engineering is all about manipulating an organism’s DNA structure with the application of biotechnology. Genetic engineering has benefitted the world in areas of medicine, pharmacology, reproduction, technology, and so on. The most notable benefit of genetic engineering has been in the medical field known as gene therapy. It is the process of repairing the defective genes and injecting therapeutic genes to fight the disease. Improved crop species, advanced medicines like insulin, and designer babies are some of the great achievements attributed to genetic engineering.

Free energy

free energy
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Energy, as we all know, is vital for human survival. Humans have been living off different and multiple forms of energy ever since they came into existence. In the past, fossil fuels were a major energy source. The advancement in technology has allowed us to make use of alternative sources of energy. We can harness wind, geothermal heat, water, and even sun as source of energy. Free energy or thermodynamic energy is still under development. It is expected to prove vital and the most efficient form of energy in the future.

Artificial intelligence

Artificial Intelligence
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Science has taken a quantum leap in the area of technology. The only thing that was missing out was a bit of intelligence in modern inventions. Artificial intelligence was developed to establish communication between humans and technology. In today’s world, robots, toys, and computers carry out our commands and respond to our needs as per our wishes. Even iPhone is equipped with artificial intelligence in the form of the very famous “SIRI”.


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Nanotechnology is all about “nano” which means manipulating the matter on an atomic, molecular, and super-molecular scale. This invention is a much-needed step taken by science. The invention of nanotechnology has made it possible for us to make use of sophisticated technology in a simple, compact form. Though there remains a great scope for discovery, nanotechnology has undoubtedly added new chapters to human lives. Nanotechnology pervades everything from DVDs to your hotel pool down to your sunglasses.

Human cloning

Human cloning
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One of the greatest discoveries of the 21st century has been the creation of genetically identical copies of humans. Human cloning has been a ground-breaking discovery. With the application of this discovery, scientists now see the prospect of fighting and grappling with life-threatening problems like heart attack, and cancer, repairing or creating new organs, selectively choosing genes in newborns, and even eliminating illnesses in babies beforehand.

We have a dedicated article that discusses both the advantages and disadvantages of Human Cloning. You may find it interesting: Human Cloning: Weighing the Pros and Cons


Anti Gravity
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The first man put to the moon had an insight into anti-gravity. Others, however, took it as a hoax and not a reality. After so many years scientists are now on the verge of making it a reality. Anti-gravity is the idea of creating a place free from the force of gravity. Imagine yourself traveling through the air without the need to go into slow traffic or old people floating in the air irrespective of their weight! Heavy lifting in the construction sector will be made simple and life much easier and quicker with the application of anti-gravity technology.


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Automation was discovered in the course of developing robots. There is still room for significant improvement in it. Automation has given a boost to the manufacturing industry by contributing to the assembling processes. Home automation is also a part of our daily lives such as centralized heating and cooling and security locks for doors and gates. Automation has simplified people’s work and is likely to bring greater benefits to mankind.


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Robotics is a branch of science developed in the 21st century. The biggest contribution it has made to the world is in the shape of a human-like machine popularly known as a Robot. The machine operates by its programmed intelligence and thoughts artificially implanted in it and performs automated functions. There are also software agents, another type of robot that assists in the programming of many operations. Robots are used in the manufacturing sector, defense sector, service sector, reconnaissance, and security arrangements. The line between robots and humans is blurring at a fast pace as robots are further developed and improved. One of the greatest robots has been ASIMO. It has been developed by HONDA. The humanoid qualities and capacities make it stand out from the rest. ASIMO can differentiate and interact with humans and it is currently showcased at Disneyland.

Hypersonic transportation

Hypersonic transportation
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Scientists have put a great amount of time and energy into attaining time efficiency. They have come up with technologies that ensure the least time consumption with greater output. Hypersonic transportation is one of the greatest inventions of the 21st century towards efficiency. Hypersonic transportation has enabled mobility at an unimaginable pace. These means of transport are capable of covering great distances at a speed 4 times faster than sound.