
7 most haunted places of the world

Changi Hospital, Singapore

Changi Hospital
Source: Media Source

Singapore is the most haunted city of Asia. One of the most eerie destinations in Singapore is changi hospital. It was built in 1935 and was used as British RAF Barracks and hospital when Singapore was still under English crown. Because of the its history which dates back to the time of world war II, this hospital was abandoned in 1997 owing to the numerous ghost sightings since late 1940s. During the Second World War, Japanese took control of Singapore and used changi hospital as a prison camp for British and its allies. As the war ended, many Japanese were killed in this hospital. Throughout this time, many deaths occurred at changi hospital owing to the brutal activities carried out by men. Many witnesses have reported screams, apparitions, shadows, erratic lights and phantom scents at changi hospital. Many have witnessed the bloody sight of slaughtered Japanese solider and a small boy is also seen sitting and staring into space. In 2010, a documentary was filmed here entitled ‘haunted changi’. During the production, the cast and crew experienced some real ghostly activities. Many crew members witnessed bangs, ghostly voices and several were touched by unseen hands during the shooting of the movie.